Chihuahua Floppy Ears: How To Make Them Stand Up?

Chihuahuas are small dogs with big personalities, and one of their most distinctive features is their standing ears. However, if your Chihuahua puppy has droopy ears, you might be wondering if there’s a way to encourage them to rise. While Chihuahuas with floppy ears are just as beautiful as their upright-eared counterparts, many owners want to know if they can aim their pups’ ears to become erect.

In this blog, we’ll share some facts about why some Chihuahuas have floppy ears, and what you can do to encourage those little ears to rise. We’ll also provide answers to some common FAQs related to Chihuahua floppy ears. So, if you believe there’s something wrong with your pup, here is what you need to know.

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Why Do Some Chi Puppies Have Floppy Ears?

First, it’s important to understand that it’s perfectly normal for puppies to have downturned ears. Like any other dogs, Chi pups are often born with soft, floppy ears that may or may not rise as they grow. And there could be many reasons for it. The period it takes for a Chihuahua’s ears to become straight can vary widely from puppy to puppy. Besides in Chis, this condition often occurs in other breeds as well, such as in a Yorkie breed and Frenchies. Even a Chiweenie, which is a mix, might show this trait.

  1. Genetic Influence
    The most significant factor influencing ear position is genetics. Some Chihuahuas, especially those with a deer head shape, or a Chihuahua mix with floppy ears, may never develop fully erect ears. The shape of the skull can affect how the ears develop, meaning some Chis might always have saggy ears, which could be linked to the same thing that causes a flaw in their structure.
  2. Teething and Development
    As Chihuahua puppies grow, particularly during the teething stage, the cartilage in their ears can temporarily weaken, causing the ears to droop. This doesn’t mean anything is wrong; it’s a natural part of their growth. By the time they finish teething, usually around 6 to 8 months old, their ears may become straight on their own. If the ears drop temporarily, it might even happen in just seconds as they bite into something hard.
  3. Nutrition and Health
    Proper nutrition is crucial for your Chi puppy’s overall development, including their ear structure. A balanced diet that includes essential vitamins and minerals enables strong cartilage development, which can aid those saggy ears to stand. If you’re working with a breeder or have a new pooch at home, make sure you’re providing the right diet. Continue giving your pet vitamins in the shape of supplements even when the pinae stand up. They’re very important for your pet’s immunity and bone and organ development. For example, certain foods might improve ear structure, and it’s recommended to consult your veterinarian for advice.

How to Encourage Chihuahua Ears to Stand Up

If you’re searching for ways to encourage your Chihuahua’s ears to rise, there are several methods that might assist. While none of these are guaranteed, they generally offer some success when followed correctly.

  1. Nutrition
    One of the simplest ways to encourage your Chihuahua to develop erect ears is to ensure they are getting the right nutrition. Puppies need a diet rich in calcium and other nutrients that promote strong bones and cartilage. This will support ear development as they grow. For instance, feeding them quality food that’s designed for growth could make a positive difference.
  2. Taping those tiny body parts
    Some breeders and owners say that binding the ears can support them standing. This involves gently wapping the ears in an straight position to train the cartilage to stay firm. If you’re ready to try this, then carefully follow your vet’s tips and make sure you don’t hurt those body parts.
chihuahua floppy ears

How to Tape: First, clean the ears and then gently fold them upright. Use a soft, non-irritating tape to hold the ears in place. Leave the tape on for about weeks at a time, checking regularly to make sure the skin doesn’t get irritated. The act of wrapping might be something to consider if nothing else has worked.

Timing: It’s best to start this method when the dog is around 3 to 4 months old. However, if the ears have not stood by the period they are older than 6 months, this method may be less effective.

  1. Ear Massage
    Massaging the ears is another way to encourage them to become upright. Gently rub the base of the ears several times a day, which can stimulate blood flow and strengthen the cartilage. This can be a really good addition to taping or proper nutrition.
  2. Monitor Their Health
    Ensuring that your pup is healthy and not overweight is also crucial. Chis that are carrying extra weight may experience more pressure on their cartilage, making it harder for the ears to rise. Regular vet check-ups can help you monitor their health and make any necessary adjustments. For example, stress and parasites can also negatively impact their health and ear development.

What If My Chihuahua’s Ears Never Stand?

If your Chihuahua’s floppy ears never rise, it’s important to remember that this is perfectly normal and doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with your pet. Some Chis, particularly Chihuahua mixes with floppy ears, will always have downturned ears, and that’s okay. Don’t worry; they’re still as beautiful and loving as any Chihuahua with erect ears.

chihuahua floppy ears

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. Does Taping Guarantee My Chihuahua’s Ears Will Stand?
    Taping can help, but there’s no guarantee. The success of taping depends on factors like genetics and the pup’s age when you start. Sometimes, previously started methods might not have worked because of genetic issues.
  2. At What Age Should Chihuahua Ears Stand?
    Generally, most Chihuahuas will have their ears become upright by the period they are 6 to 8 months old, especially when their permanent teeth grow. However, it can take longer in some cases.
  3. Can Chihuahuas Have Floppy Ears as Adults?
    Yes, some dogs will have droopy ears throughout their lives, especially if they are Chihuahua mixes or have certain genetic traits.
  4. What Does It Mean If My Puppy’s Ears Haven’t Stood by 8 Months?
    If the ears haven’t become upright by 8 months, they may stay droopy. This is normal and nothing to be concerned about.
  5. Do Some Chihuahuas Always Have Floppy Ears?
    Yes, some dogs will always have droopy ears, and it’s simply a part of their unique charm.
  6. Should I Be Worried About Floppy Ears?
    No, there’s no need to worry. Droopy ears don’t affect your dog’s health or ability to love and be loved.

READ ALSO: Dealing With Hypoglycemia in Chihuahuas


In the end, having a Chihuahua dog breed with floppy ears is just as beautiful as having one with erect ears. While some pups will naturally develop erect ears over time, others will keep their droopy look, and that’s perfectly fine. If you really want your pup’s ears to become upright, following the methods above might help, but it’s essential to be patient and loving regardless of the outcome.

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Remember, every Chihuahua dog is unique, and what matters most is the bond you share with your pet. Whether their ears become upright or stay droopy, they’re sure to bring endless love and joy into your life. To have a well-bred Chihuahua adult dog, make sure you purchase it from a reputable breeder. It’s the only way to make sure you buy a purebred Chi, and eventually, all your efforts will manage to create a positive experience with this funny and adorable family member.

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