
chihuahua jackets

When it comes to dog fashion, Chihuahuas stand out as the perfect candidates for stylish yet functional clothing. Their small stature and sensitivity to temperature changes make them ideal for a variety of clothing options, especially jackets and winter coats. That’s why we decided to select the 10 best picks…

chihuahua burrowing

Have you ever seen a Chihuahua do a funny hop or suddenly start walking like they’ve got something stuck on their paw? It might be more than just a quirky trait. In the world of small breeds, particularly Chihuahuas, patella luxation is a common knee-jerk issue – literally. Therefore, let’s…

As the winter approaches, we all have to think about how to keep our dogs safe and snug. So, if you’re an owner of a Chihuahua then you have to prepare them for cold and freezy days. That’s the time when cozy Chihuahua sweaters should step in. They are perfect…

spaying a chihuahua

Are you considering spaying a Chihuahua but you’re not sure at what age it can be done? Spaying procedure is a hot topic for every dog owner who wants to give their dog the best care and health. To help you find out all the important info about this topic,…

chihuahua eye problems

Hey there, Chihuahua buddies! If you’ve got one of these pint-sized pups with a larger-than-life personality, you know that their big, expressive eyes aren’t just a window to their soul—they can also be a window to some health issues. Let’s chat about the main Chihuahua eye problems and how to…

chihuahua burrowing

Wondering why neutering a Chihuahua is even a topic? Well, these pint-sized pups are a big deal in the dog world. They’re not just cute; they come with some unique challenges and benefits when it comes to neutering. What is a dog neutering procedure? Dog neutering is a common surgical…

Why Do Chihuahuas Lick So Much

We all love cuddle time with our dogs. However, when it comes to ‘’wet and smelly kisses’’, it’s not such a pleasant feeling even when it comes from your Chihuahua. If you’ve noticed that your Chihuahua licks on everything, then you gotta find out the reason behind it. Every Chihuahua…

allergies in chihuahuas

If you’re considering bringing a tiny Chihuahua to your home, then you have to know the following. Chis can be prone to allergies, so it’s essential to know how to recognize the symptoms on time. Since early treatment can prevent your dog from further complications, we decided to introduce you…

Do Chihuahuas like to swim? It’s a question that often buzzes around among pet owners. Chihuahuas, with their petite frames and tiny legs, spark curiosity about their swimming abilities. While they might be small, how do they fare when it’s time for a splash? Do Chihuahuas like to swim? The…

chihuahua health issues

We all agree that Chihuahuas stand out as one of the smallest and most charming companions. Many people love them because of their small size, big personalities and expressive eyes. But even though Chihuahuas are small, they have health issues that every owner should be aware of.. In this guide,…